Poland was absolutel
Our time was mostly filled with group worship and teaching time, as well as individual discipleship and personal reflection. We skimmed the surface of World Harvest's Sonship program, which is absolutely amazing from the tiny portion of it that I've heard. All of us were challenged to explode the way we apply the actual truth of the Gospel to the way we view ourselves, the way we view others, and the way we view God. The particular areas we tried to unpack were sin, grace, repentance, conflict, and forgiveness. We held our sessions down in the hostel's pub, and by the end of the week, the bar workers asked if we could keep our door open so they could hear us singing hymns.
I love the town square in Krakow. It's a huge open space filled with beautiful sidewalk caf
On Thursday, we visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. I'm incapable of even beginning to put my experience there into words. I have always had a major interest in the Holocost, but there is a world of difference between reading about it in a history book and actually walking through gas chambers where millions of people were coldly exterminat
More staggering and heartbreaking than the thought that I could be one of these victims was the realization that I could also have been one of the perpetrators. The deep evil that took place in Auschwitz lingers in my own heart. It was good to go to the concentration camp directly before talking about sin, to recognize the full capacity for evil in the human condition, to recognize the full capacity for the evil in my human flesh. I like to think of the Holocost as a misguided, horrific accident, casued at the hands of a few power hungry lunatics....but the truth is, it took hundreds of people to carefully plan every detail of this mass execution. Normal people, like me. These people were not brutal, ignorant savages....they were wealthy, educated, and civilized. They listened to classical music and appreciated beautiful art. They were not so brainwashed and blind as I would like to think. The human heart is so quick to embrace an ideology of hatred and exclusion. I think of my own prideful desires to be glorified as an integral member of something significant and to be recognized for my intelligence, and I wonder how quickly those desires would have led me to embrace Nazism during that time. I would like to think of myself as Corrie Ten Boom, when I'm often more similar to the Nazi guards. As we walked through the camp, I found myself angry and thirsty for justice. My anger began to turn towards myself as I realized that similar atrocities are happening today, as basic human rights to life are viciously trampled in so many nations around the the world, and I turn a blind eye. The horror of the Holocost began when people were able to dehumanize other people, and that's exactly what I chose to do to suffering people groups today. I hear about the ravaged lives of people in Darfur and the millions dying in the AIDS crisis, and they become mere numbers in my brain, statistics without faces and souls.
My prayer is that my heart would break over injustice, whether its over the starving orphan in Darfur or the hu
On that note, I will leave you with some words from one of my favorite Derek Webb songs that played continually in my head this past week (go and listen to it yourself):
i repent, i repent of my pursuit of america's dream
i repent, i repent of living like i deserve anything
i am wrong and of these things i repent
i repent, i repent of parading my liberty
i repent, i repent of parading my liberty
i repent. i repent of paying for what i get for free
and for the way i believe that i am living right
by trading sins for others that are easier to hide
i am wrong and of these things i repent
i repent judging by a law that even i can't keep
i repent judging by a law that even i can't keep
of wearing righteousness like a disguise
to see through the planks in my own eyes
i repent, i repent of trading truth for false unity
i repent, i repent of trading truth for false unity
i repent, i repent of confusing peace and idolatry
by caring more of what they think than what i know of what we need
by domesticating you until you look just like me
i am wrong and of these things i repent
1 comment:
I pray the same for you as well. (: And for me.
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